Sunday, 17 December 2017
Sensitive Seating - Maxis Sofa Overhaul
I do on occasion like to look at Maxis meshes and get inspired to remake them. The last set was my Feel That Fabric sofa set which I now use a lot. I decided to do the same for the Size-Sensitive basegame sofa. I rarely use it because of the texture and design so it was the perfect candidate. I wanted to see if i could turn them into something beautiful and usable, and I think i definitely succeeded. Now I have even more sofas to choice from.
Friday, 15 December 2017
Welcome to Stonehaven - Unfurnished lot dump

I got the Vampire pack because of the build content, plain and simple. That in my opinion is the sole reason a builder should get it. And when I did finally buy it on sale, I went on a building spree. I had aimed to release these over Halloween but things got in the way. Someone asked if I was uploading these so i finally go around to the tweaking and here they are. These are all unfurnished (or partially furnished) and require Vampire GP to really work properly. They do contain some of my cc too.
Mid-Century Abode Merged File
Somehow I managed to upload the old version of that file so people have been experiencing issues with the bedding (and possibly the dresser too). Not sure how that happened but given the last few days have been a bit of a blur, i am not surprised. Anyway, new version is uploaded. The separated version is fine (I checked the files to make sure) so if you grabbed the separated version, you should be fine.
Mid-Century Abode: Add-on Bedroom Set
It was about time I did another bedroom. There was too many slim pickings with cc i have made that worked well and I have only done a few bed frames too. The thing that held me back was the bedding. Maxis bedding sucks, full stop. Its flat and unattractive, but I hate decor blankets because they don't animate, so are really only good for picture-taking rather then normal gameplay. I finally figured out how to re-mesh the bedding into a more pleasing shape, so expect future bedrooms to use this same bedding. Maybe one day I will get around to doing single beds, but that's not a priority for me.
Due to the length of these posts and for ease of updating, you can find the download and info under the cut.
Thursday, 14 December 2017
All sets updated
All sets that needed updating have now been reuploaded. If there are any other issues with some cc let me know. I am still in the process of fixing CAS cc since I am remaking a lot of it and I need to sort out an issue some people are experiencing with my skintones, but other then that, everything is done. You can browse through the latest posts to find the updated content.
Blandco No More: Updated Solid is Sensational & Wood You Love My Kitchen Recolours
I absolutely love the kitchens in TS4, way better then TS3 kitchens, but CAS would have made them perfection. So I decided to take my favourite kitchen, the BlandCo style, and recolour them in some wood and solid colours. They were released some time ago and dubbed Solid Is Sensational Painted Kitchen and Wood You Love My Kitchen. Since EA added dishwashers, I have finally got around to updating these officially (you could use S4S to do a batch fix previously) but I wanted to do more then just an update. So by popular demand, I have not only updated for dishwashers, added 2 more solid colours, 3 counter top colours, I have also provided a package file of the cabinets with the shader fix akin to what plasticbox at MTS has done.
Feel That Fabric Sofa Set Redux

When I was doing updates for my old content, I came across my old recolours of the basegame sofas. Boy oh boy did they make me cringe. They needed updating for the toddler patch but since I don't use them anymore I decided to redo them, and but redo I mean edit the original EA mesh and make a new set of sofas. So what we have here is somewhere in between a mesh edit and a new mesh, and now a sofa set I will proudly use once again.
Nordshine Seating - City Living Add-on

With The addition of the new EP, there was quite a few items that were nice........... but needed more variations and style additions. One of those sets was the NordShine Single and Double, an armchair and love seat respectively. They had a solid design, some nice colours, but as usual, there was no 'full set' of seating which does limit its usability. Well I went about fixing that with this add-on set where I not only added some more colours, but also 3 other seating options: a symmetrical love seat, 3 seat sofa, and a bench seat. This brings the total number in this set from 2 to 5. Very much an improvement.
Due to the length of these posts and for ease of updating, you can find the download and info under the cut.
Hamptons Getaway - Bathroom Addon
Well my first foray into bathroom sets, Serenity Bathroom, was a huge learning curve. I said to myself I would not make another, but I fooled myself. I really needed a more classic/contemporary style bathroom for my colonial style homes so I had to make one. This is also another example of what I plan to do in the future: build on the basic sets I have already made if inspiration strikes. I have already done that with Atwood Dining, which is an add-on to the living room set of the same name. I am quite proud how it came out and now I have a bathroom for most occasions.
Due to the length of these posts and for ease of updating, you can find the download and info under the cut.
Atwood Dining - Content Collection Addon

With the addition of round tables with backyard stuff allowing me to take the rig and slot resources without having to tediously make my own, I can do what I have always planned to do: a round table in the style of mt anemone tables from my Atwood Living collection. So in order to make it a little more fleshed out, I added a few display pieces and stuff specific to a dining room. This is not a perfect match as my wood tones have improved since then, so have my fabric choices, but it still goes very well with Atwood, as well as any of my other custom content.
Due to the length of these posts and for ease of updating, you can find the download and info under the cut.
Myra Living

Yes, another living room set. I love choice and I wanted another modern design to choose from to go with all the mid-century stuff I am building at the moment. This set actually started out with the 3 seat sofa which was a rejected design for the Hamptons Hideaway set which was too good to toss. It also incorporated a stillborn idea for an office set, so I combined the two to create this. I am happy with how it turned out and its now one of my favourite sofa designs for my homes.
Due to the length of these posts and for ease of updating, you can find the download and info under the cut.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Hamptons Hideaway - Living Room Set for TS4

With all the building I have been doing in Windenburg, it has shown me just how much I needed to create some more classic-contemporary furniture that could be used in these coastal homes. I love Hamptons design, so I went about creating my own set of furniture and decor inspired by this style. The last classic/contemporary set I made was my Shaker kitchen which this is designed to be used with, along with my Bayside Bedroom. I do plan to make more furniture with less of a modernist feel, and this is the latest set with that goal in mind. I hope you all enjoy it as much as me.
Due to the length of these posts and for ease of updating, you can find the download and info under the cut.
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