Wednesday 28 October 2020

Buildmode Content Update for Post-Patch 1.66

Windows, doors, and arches have been updated to work with the new cutout system allowing more freedom with window placement. You will need to redownload the sets. I advise deleting the original files, then putting the new files in as i have organised the download folders with a new sub folder. 

Friday 23 October 2020

Broken Buildmode Content

 A month was the longest I was willing to wait for the batch fix from the S4S team, and that has come and gone. I do appreciate them tackling the immense project with all the variables, but I just can’t afford to wait any longer. Therefore I have made the decision to manually update my sets. 

I will not be uploading the sets individually as they are completed, they will be shared in one go when they have all been fixed on my end. I will notify you all again with a masterpost when that has been done, which will be some time next week or the weekend. 

Saturday 17 October 2020

Rock’n Rockers - A Collection of 12 Rocking Chairs

When Nifty Knitting came out, the item I was most excited about was the rocking chair. The design wasn't my cup of tea, but the possibilities it brought to the game was something I couldn't ignore. So I went about investigating the tuning to see whether or not it was added to the basegame. To my surprise, it wasn't pack-exclusive (hinting at the possibility that Maxis could add more down the line), meaning I could make some chairs that would be able to work for those with updated games (pre-Nifty Knitting patch) but didn't require the pack. I love when new furniture types are added to basegame, just like the 6 seat round table. Anyway, i got carried away and came up with 12 new designs to give people a bit more variety. Grandma is going to be one stylish rocker in these babies!

Friday 9 October 2020

Broken Buildmode Content

 I am aware of the issue and how long it has been since the update that broke it. I also get that people want the content fixed. However, people greatly underestimate the time and energy required to update said content. It is a tedious process, and requiring a lot of trial and error which is content productive. That is why I have decided to wait for the S4S team to complete their batch fix (and hopefully integrate it into S4S to allow making new buildmode content easier) rather then update manually.  

If I had created far fewer items, I would update manually, but my count is well over 400 individual items (and that count is excluding 2 tile variants that are now obsolete). So I ask that people have patience during this time, and please, please, please read my blog before asking if the items have been updated. When I know more, or start updating, you will all be the first to know.