I didn’t think I would need to state this because my stance on paywalls and pay-per-click shorteners are pretty obvious, but it is not ok.
You are locking my content behind a paywall so you are effectively claiming the content as your own and making money off my blood, sweat and tears. I honestly don’t care that you ‘put work into the house’ or ‘it’s more convenient for the downloader’, that doesn’t excuse the fact of what is being done and how disrespectful it is. Lets not even get into the issues of older content being bundled up which can cause people problems, or the fact that people NEVER update older lots including cc with the newer updated versions. It is an accident waiting to happen. And i am not even going to touch on what EA/Maxis has stated in regards to their Terms you agree to when playing TS4.
My content should be freely available, and the only way that is acceptable when it is bundled in a download is if that build is freely downloadable as well. I say it right in my ToU so don’t act dumb. I even amended it to explicitly list Patreon. Those houses would not be the same without the content i created so don’t abuse my good nature by being an arse.