Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Wakeboarder - Houseboat for Isla Paradiso
Hi everyone! Today I bring you a houseboat I made for my sims in Isla Paradiso, and I can tell you, it was a challenge fitting 2 couples on a 10x14 houseboat limiting myself to 2 levels and ensuring there was 1 full bath (and that all in one thing as a backup). Well I managed it and the Wakeboarder is the end product.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Waterford Retreat - SIFF Resort
Today I bring you a resort, the first one I have built when I played IP. Built for 101 Surf Circle (same location as the free resort in Isla Paradiso), this was built up to be a 5 star resort with profit of 2000 per day on the cheapest cost to stay. I think thats quite and accomplishment. I still hate the resort rabbit holes and may start using the cc rug for them.
PC Hurley Tee 02
This is just a simple retexture and base game conversion. I love hurley clothes and wanted more in game, so thats what I did. Using a Diesel mess converted to base game, this tee features 5 designs. These are not stencils, they are recolourable so you can customise to your heart's content. Both sim3pack and package files are included.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Waking Nightmare Pose Set
I made a few of these for a comic I have coming up, but decided to expand on the theme as I haven't seen anything similar. There are 8 poses in total (my fave is 7) and I have included the codes but they will show up in the pose player. I am now using skydrive as well as mediafire so you have an alternate download location in case mediafire deletes my files like some of the horror storied I have heard of lately.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Random Pose: Soaring Fairy
I created this one-off pose for a photoshoot I had done when inspired by default replacement dragonfly wings by buhudain (you can find them here) and a store hair. A friend of mine on facebook requested it, so I decided to share it will all of those that would like it. I like the pose and could work well for the girls however I did not test the pose on them.
And this is the action shot I used the pose for:
Looker Pose Set
Generally I make poses for myself when I can't find what i want, though that is not too often with so many creative people creating wonderfully unique poses for all of use to use. However, I am always looking for men's poses and came up with these. They have been a learning curve and been tweaked many times and have finally decided to add them. I like to take pride in the fact they aren't wooden plank poses. You can down the poses at mediafire. There are 6 poses in total so I hope someone gets some use out of them like I have.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Petite Staggered Cornerstone Wall Set
This is the petite sized wall set I have been holding on to for a while, as it was a wall design that I used to learn how to make custom walls. A steep learning curve by I finally have the method understood, I think. Anyway, this is a masonry wall set with 3 styles. I have supplied both the sims3pack and package files in to archive.
"Not a Grand? Not an Average? Then here is a petite cornerstone wall just for you. No shame in admitting your house is small. Its not the size that counts, its how you decorate it."
Average Staggered Cornerstone Wall Set
This is the average sized wall set I have been holding on to for a while, as it was a wall design that I used to learn how to make custom walls. A steep learning curve by I finally have the method understood, I think. Anyway, this is a masonry wall set with 3 styles. I have supplied both the sims3pack and package files in to archive.

"An average sized cornerstone wall for your average buildings. Nothing to be ashamed about here."
Grand Staggered Cornerstone Wall Set - Link Fixed
This is a wall set I have been holding on to for a while, as it was a wall design, along with the other designs, that I used to learn how to make custom walls. I steep learning curve by I finally have it down, I think. Anyway, this is a masonry wall set with 3 styles. I have supplied both the sims3pack and package files in to archive.
"A grand sized cornerstone style wall for your massive and imposing builds. If you got it, flaunt it."
Build Mode
Sunday, 14 July 2013
PC Lattice Fabric 01
Another textured fabric. @ palettes with a lattice design. I really love the vivid colour of this one, but looks good in other colours too. Found in the 'Fabrics' section of CAS in 2 sizes, pakaged together in an archive to download.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
PC Moroccan Fabric 02
This is another moroccan-esque fabric I came up with. I really like it, and looks great in a black. 2 recolourable channels found in 'Fabrics section of CAS. Both patterns are packed up together.
Friday, 12 July 2013
PC Moroccan Fabric 01
Here is a new pattern I made when I needed something with a bit of texture, but a simple, moroccan-esque pattern to give the fabric a bit of interest. Found in "Fabrics" it comes in 2 styles, a large and small as a sim3pack in an archive file.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
PC Board Shorts - first retexture and clothing upload
Well I have decided to share these board short retextures I created. Please be aware, they are the first retexture I have done. I based them off the IP mesh, but was able to make them base game so you don't need IP to have these shorts. I made them because I wanted a bit more variety and I think I have created that with these shorts. All 3 styles have 4 channels, the legs have 2, the belt area and cord. I have supplied both a package and sim3pack file depending on you method of installation in the archive file. There is also custom CAS thumbnails because I still have no idea why the game generated thumbnails were all the same.
Download zipped archive @ Mediafire
Note: it has come to my attention that the shorts may appear as designed in CAS but appear white in game. I need to figure out what is causing this (since they are fine in my game) but I have left the link up. If you experience problems, post in the comments section as this should help me figure out what is wrong
Download zipped archive @ Mediafire
Note: it has come to my attention that the shorts may appear as designed in CAS but appear white in game. I need to figure out what is causing this (since they are fine in my game) but I have left the link up. If you experience problems, post in the comments section as this should help me figure out what is wrong
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