Saturday, 17 November 2018

Clayton Court - A Del Sol Valley Residence

I had early access to Get Famous and this is the house I built to test out not only the content, but also the new terrain tools. There are definitely some kinks to work out, but overall i am impressed and enjoying the new pack. I actually managed to furnish this lot too, so Huzzah! If you are just getting the pack you might find the home useful. If you don't have the pack yet, you can still enjoy it for the most part, minus some of the furniture.

  • 18/11/2018 - Previous version when placed removed plants, new version should fix that but is now tagged as modded. 

The home features:
  • CC-Free 
  • price: $232,217
  •  5 bedrooms
  •  3 bathrooms
  • Furnished
  • 50x40 lot size
  • check image for required packs
  • Pictures: Interior | Exterior
    Required Custom Content:

    Recommended Content:
    Although this lot is cc free, it does use plant unlocks and slot size default replacement which are not required, but if you wish to have a greater variety of plants and clutter positioning, these are very much recommended:

    You can find the house on the gallery under my origin ID: peacemaker_icBe sure to turn on "custom content" filtering in advanced options.

    Alternately, you can download below. To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver and place the contents into your Tray folder in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray. If you are having issues check out my Installing Content help page.


    My content will always be free, but if you are so inclined and able, you can show your support and buy me a coffee


    1. Wow!! This is amazing! It kinda reminds me of the style of the houses from Selvadorada.

    2. This doesn't work with the latest update? The game stalls forever when trying to place this lot.

      1. I don't have my PC to check, but there was 2 versions as one used Debug plants that disappeared on placement. There shouldn't be anything that stops it so that's a bit strange. All I can suggest is try downloading the archive and putting in your tray folder, or if that's how you installed initially, try the gallery
