I only make walls when I am in the mood or desperately need them. Walls are tedious to make and its hard to appreciate the effort required once they are finished since 2/3 of the work is hidden most of the time when you use them. But i needed more siding for my Willow Creak makeover, so I pushed through and made this set of four walls with 12 styles. These walls now give me plenty of options for siding (which was really lacking) and the hard work paid off.
I have bundled them together by type, so both clapboard walls are in the one archive below, and same with the Board and Baton styles. The packages are clearly named if you don't want one of the types included.
The build mode item features:
- Basegame compatible
- Each comes in auto-trim, no trim, and left&right trim (for those pesky 1 tile corners)
- 44 colour options
- Custom thumbnails
- Walls found in Siding category of Build Mode
- Costs $4
- All wall heights available
The individual archives contain the package file(s) and preview image(s). Extract using WinRAR or WinZIP and place the package file in your mods folder and look for them in your game. I hope you enjoy.