Wednesday 15 August 2018

No Occluder Small & Large Appliances Default Replacement

This file is a must-have if you use any of my kitchens. Since I changed the cabinet shader to fix colouring and shading issues, appliances, both small and large, have occluders that darken cabinets and make them look horrible. This solves that for all Maxis objects released so far (or recolours with a linked light source). All this file includes is default replacement light resources for all appliances that had occluders and will fix the issue.

What You Neeed To Know:
  • If you have my original version of this, it came in 2 files. I have trimmed that down to 1 so delete both old files and replace with the 1 new one. 
  • 26/10/2018: Updated with RoM appliances
  • 6/12/2020: updated for snowy escape and now in plain package file format
  • 29/07/2021: updated for Country Kitchen Kit and Cottage Living
  • 21/03/2023: updated for packs up to and including Growing Together
  • 27/4/2023: fixed issue with Growing Together stove marked as CC
  • 16/10/2023: updated for Home Chef Hustle
The Build/Buy items feature:
  • Default Replacement
  • Includes overrides for all appliances up to Seasons that have occluders
    Now, there are 1 download link. To install, download the package file and place in your mods folder, then look for the changes in your game. If you are having issues check out my Installing Content help page.


    My content will always be free, but if you are so inclined and able, you can show your support and buy me a coffee


    1. Hi. I am a huge fan thank you so much for your beautiful work. :) I have a question about this file because I downloaded it back in 2016 and I have had it in game, but when I downloaded it last time there were two files in the zip and both are in my game. The two files are the appliances package and a separate refrigerator package. Does this file replace them both or should I keep the fridgie package separately and just replace the appliance package?

      1. Ah yes, I probably should have explained that. I just combined both the packages as there was no point having them separated. So just delete both of the older files and replace it with the new single file.

    2. Hello! I just want to thank you for all the work & effort you do in making CC! You are so talented and you have really good taste. At the beginning, in 2014, I used to have lot of CC in my game. But now I have almost only yours! You made me demanding lol :o)! Sometimes I feel tired of the Sims 4 but when you make a new CC I always fall in love again with the game. So, thank you so much and have a nice day :-)

      1. Same with me. I have downloaded a lot of CC, but after hours and hours of game play, I realize that I default to peacemaker and maybe a few other CC creators. Peacemaker is definitely one of the best CC ever in the entire Sims franchise.

    3. Hi there, Love your cc:)
      Though I wasn't able to see any difference with this file in game. It'd be nice if you could add some before and after screenshots for us so we can see the difference and understand what it fixes!

      1. It is only designed for used with my kitchens because of a fix with that. You can see before and after pictures here, which was the original post this was included with:

    4. how did I not know about this till now?? I LOVE your work but always hated the shadow created when I used other fridges. I was going through your stuff reuploading after removing almost everything due to the issues created by University. I am glad I did because this was there! I am so excited to use it!

    5. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, I've just started using CC, but do I have to unzip this and then add it to my mods folder? Or do I leave it zipped?

      1. This item is provided just as a package file so you can put it right into your mods folder without doing anything. If you are on Mac, your computer should auto-extract ZIP files, and if on PC i advise you to go download WinZIP to do it. I have some links in my Installing Custom Content page found on my menu bar.

    6. hello , i'm new and i was wondering why there are no girl's clothes or hairs or something else for girl sims , is that normal ?

      1. If you are after that type of content, you have come to the wrong place. I focus on male CAS items because there are far more female cc creators then those that focus on guys. I mainly concentrate on Build and Buymode content these days though.

    7. So I previously downloaded an occluder from another simmer, should I download yours in addition or will they conflict?

      1. they wont cause issues with your game if you have both, but only one will be read by TS4, so no point having more then one.

    8. Hi there, love your CC!! I added the no occluder package file to my mods folder, but am still experiencing issues with the shadows. I used a Maxis appliance with the cabinet, so I’m not sure why it isn’t working. Is there some other place I need to save it or a setting I need to adjust in my game to get it to work? Thank you!

      1. You just need to put the package file in your mods folder. I need to update for Snowy Escape so it wont work for that fridge however. Is there a specific fridge you are using that it isn't working with?

    9. I have had this in my game and updated and it still shows shadows.. on any fridge.

      1. if you could share an image of what you are seeing, that would help me help you. Again, this will only work with EA fridges and not with any cc (even recolours).

    10. is it fine if i already have your cc which has this included? can i just add this or do i have to find that cc and use the non included files?

      1. this is designed just for Maxis content, that is all it will work on.

    11. Will this flag your build as having cc?

      1. to be honest, i am not sure. definitely a possibility though, like most default replacements there comes that risk.

    12. Please upgrade to the Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack :)

      1. if you check my patch notes, it was done yesterday (the 16th of october)

    13. Love your mods, you always do an amazing job! Do i need to own all packs that come w/ appliances for this to work? or is it BGC?

      1. it does cover all appliances from the packs released so far that causes the issue, but it will work fine if you down own all of them

    14. Hello! I have this mod installed, and the upper cabinet above my fridge mirrors the Before photo at the top of the page. My game is up-to-date, and I have also tried un-/re-installing the mod. I have also moved the mod from a subfolder within the Mods folder to the Mods folder itself, but nothing seems to help.

      Is there anything else I need to try, or can you please help?

      Thank you for all of the work you do!

      1. If the fridge you are using is not one of mine or one made by Maxis (unless i forgot to add a new one we have gotten) then unfortunately I am not able to help with it. This really only covers Maxis appliances as i am unable to control occluder visibility of other creator's content
