Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Gift - ZigZag Pattern Set 01

I wont be on much over the next week, but I wanted to put up a gift for all those simmers for Christmas. Here is a 12 pattern set of various zigzag patterns of different sizes, all found in the geometric category of CAS. The patterns have between 2 and 4 palettes. The archive contains both the package and sim3pack formats, so just choose which file type you prefer and delete the rest. I have also included the pictures so you can match up the names of the pattern files if you don't want to install them all.

Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year. 



  1. Hi Peacy! Love the patterns :D Merry Christmas!

  2. :O :O :O I *love* you. Might sound a bit strongly worded but i have been looking for AGES
