Friday, 28 February 2025

Casanova Expanded - Unofficial Kit addon with 14 edits and 4 New items

The latest kits are a cool concept; basing the theme on an iconic character. However, splitting the budget between CAS and BB items leaves BB lacking (CAS stands on it's own for the most part). So you know what that means? New items. Some other people had the same idea so hopefully mine feels unique enough to stand on it's own.

What you need to know:
  • I tagged the new items as pack dependent so you can find them multiple ways
The Build item/s feature:
  • non-default
  • Original colour/style options
  • colour filter compatible
  • Find using the keyword "Casanova Cave" using my tutorial here
  • custom thumbnails
  • The polycount of each item falls within range of Maxis-created content

Download below. To install, if an archive file, extract using inbuilt extractor or WinZIP for PC or double-click on file for Mac, and place the folder or package files in your mods folder, then look for them in your game. 

My content will always be free, but if you are so inclined and able, you can show your support through Paypal or support me on Patreon.


  1. Another beatiful set, thank you so much! And keep it up, you're work is just incredible. Well done :)

  2. Thank you, its amazing!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work

  4. this looks great. will you ever release an add-on for Lovestruck?

    1. it's possible, but i will need to be inspired first
